A Mostly British Obsession

Disco Sold!

I’ve decided to “streamline” and just use the ’68 F250 and ’63 MGB as my transportation, along with the Triumph. If winter rolls around and I think fooling around in the F250 is beyond the pale, I might consider something else–perhaps a decent MGB GT. I’m not really anxious to venture back into the world of black boxes…I prefer stuff I know how to fix with chewing gum and baling wire. That said, apart from the recent fuel pump failure, the Disco was a nice car, and very capable. I will not miss its fuel economy, however. 16 MPG is pretty tough when filling the tank costs $75.

1 Comment

  1. Kevin

    Sorry to hear “Disco is dead” in a manner of speaking. Looking for a MGBGT, you say? Aw, shucks. You already let Satan’s GT get away. Maybe there is a clapped-out 1969 Suburu 360 out there for you in some boneyard.


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