A Mostly British Obsession


1955 Ferguson TO35

Well, I bought a tractor, and I even bought an ugly one which was more useful than the “pretty” one! That’s gotta be a first.

Actually, the Ferguson TO-35 is a handsome machine when restored (or at least semi-fixed up, which I hope to do some day). The mechanical pieces are a dark green and the hood, fenders and wheels are medium grey. It has six forward speeds and one reverse, and importantly live hydraulics and a 2-stage clutch. Both of those make it easy to tow a brush hog for mowing safely.

The missing fender and seat aren’t actually missing, and neither is the grille. This is the perfect machine to perfect (ha ha!) my metal bumping skills on.

I also bought a 5′ brush hog and a 6′ blade for grading. Man, am I turning into a hayseed, or what?

1 Comment

  1. Allie

    Yay! I can throw the ball for Tess at Pony Hollow again (without losing the dumb thing).

    When you go to mow, don’t forget there are all those little flags on metal stakes from the electrical and phone companies marking where the lines are underground.


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