A Mostly British Obsession

GT inside “Rusty Keep”

1967 MGB GT

I have the leaky stuff with wheels on back on the newly-finished side of the shop building (aka “Rusty Keep”). I’m also fixing a minor paint flaw on the roof of the GT. There must have been a bit of contamination on the metal when it was sprayed. In all, a spot about the size of a pencil eraser was affected, right near the back edge of the roof.

1967 MGB GT

Not the end of the world, but annoying to deal with as my to-do list is miles long and growing! (None of these shots show the damage, oddly enough–sorry!)

1967 MGB GT

I received a compelling offer (out of the blue) for the GT a couple of months ago, and this car is almost certain to have a new home soon…going right back down to San Diego, no less. With the imminent return of the E-Type and the associated expenses which will accrue on that project–plus my shop work has cost twice what I expected it to–it really does make sense to move it along. There’s a slim chance the deal might fall through (from either end) but it looks very likely.

Updates as events warrant.

1 Comment

  1. Mad Dog

    Looks great, Roger. Nice job. Funnily enough I’m being tempted by a very nice, non-messed about, 1972 GT in San Diego right now…!


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