Thoroughly enjoyed a ride today with my friends in the Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts club–it was our annual “Isle of Vashon” outing. For me, this means four ferry rides, which is good, and a trek down 99 through the strip-mall wasteland that stretches from Mukilteo to West Seattle, which is (thankfully) forgettable.

I left our house here on Whidbey at 7:00AM in thick, chilly fog. Indeed, once off the ferry on the Mukilteo side, visibility couldn’t have been more than 50 yards in places. But by mid-day, the fog had lifted and we were treated to a fine day out.

In theory this is an “old bike” ride, but at least half the folks couldn’t get their old bike to start and brought a modern counterpart. That’s OK, we’ve all been there. I think the final tally of participants was more than 1000 bikes.

Fauntleroy ferry holding line
The Fauntleroy (west Seattle) ferry holding line. There’s another lane of bikes beyond the cars.

BSA DBD34 Gold Star & Sport Star B40
My friends John and Brad brought their BSAs: DBD34 Gold Star & B40 Sport Star, respectively.

1954 BSA A10 Golden Flash
My bike in line.

A few bikes on the ferry
A few bikes on the ferry.

Downtown Vashon
A small portion of the crowd lined up in “downtown” Vashon.

1930s Sunbeam
Gorgeous 1930s Sunbeam.

1954 BSA A10 Golden Flash
End of the day. I was the only motorcycle returning to Whidbey, so it looks like I have the entire ferry to myself…you can’t see the full load of cars behind me.