A Mostly British Obsession

What was Inside the GT Engine

[flickr id=”5928736281″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”false” size=”original” group=”” align=”none”]Those the big-end bearings from a couple of the rods. You should not be able to see copper, and you definitely shouldn’t be able to see big chunks of it flaking off. This bearing had also spun, I believe.
[flickr id=”5928736369″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”false” size=”original” group=”” align=”none”]And here’s a possible culprit. This is the oil pump, and if you look carefully, you can see the gasket was only on one of the three studs, which means if the oil was low, the pump was likely leaking back into the sump, reducing oil flow and possibly even causing cavitation. Not good.

In addition, several tappets and the rocker shaft were pretty well worn, as was the timing chain tensioner. The block had never been bored, so it’s now .020 over, and the camshaft is new. The crank had to be straightened as well. (The only “performance” modification we did was to lighten the flywheel.)

Engine runs really well, but I’m now convinced I’ve never rebuilt the carbs that are on the car, so I’ll be doing those. I need to dial in the timing as well, as I think it could use a bit more advance. I desperately need to align the front wheels after the suspension rebuild, I’m going to make a jig to do that this weekend.


  1. Brent

    Backyard mechanic way of adjusting toe: two sticks and a hose clamp. Measure the front, measure the back, adjust until satisfied that it is “close enough”.

  2. KevinTeabag

    Wasn’t this GT supposed to be some simple little “commuter car” at one time, so long ago? Looks like you’ve fallen in that ol’ snake pit once again. The one we both know so well.


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