A Mostly British Obsession

Red Wheel Test

1967 MGB GT

I grabbed a couple of wheels from storage (complete with dry-rotted tires) and gave them a quick shot of rattle-can paint to see what a set of red wheels would look like, “for reals.”

Update: Added a couple of photoshop mock-ups to end of post.

1967 MGB GT

It’s so unusual for me to see an MGB with wires that aren’t silver I’m suffering from cognitive dissonance–but I think I like the effect. They add a spark to the outside and once the interior is in (and I have all of it now, I hope to work on it this weekend) and you see a similar red through the windows it will tie together nicely.

1967 MGB GT

Here’s the other side. Be interested in hearing what you think, though I suspect opinion will be split.

Update: Here’s the car with body-color wheels and with darker red, which is more what I was originally thinking about (but couldn’t find in a rattle can at the local hardware store).

1967 MGB GT

1967 MGB GT


  1. Don

    Heresy! Don’t do the red wheels! Silver is what the LBC gods created for wire wheels. If you must have flash/bling, then do chromium ones. But not red!

  2. Kevin Teabag

    A big fat NO to red wheels.

  3. Mad Dog

    Good experiment but No! The colour palette is ok but IMHO the look is only suitable for a car of greater vintage -1950s or earlier. Please stick with chrome.

  4. brent

    Jag XK 120 with red wires on grey works, not quite sure the “modern” body style pulls this off. You have so many spare wires, I suppose you can shoe it up this way on occasion. It’s not awful, if that’s of any consideration. Looking forward to seeing the interior shots once completed.

  5. chuck goolsbee

    I love it.

    B’s are so ubiquitous that anything to liven up their dull visage is fine with me. Well, OK, I’d draw a line at hood scoops and a flame paint job, but red wires? Awesome!

    BTW, if this frikking rain would EVER go away I’m still hoping to get over there and pay a visit.

  6. Allie

    I think the red wheels are fabulous. He has plenty of other boring cars. At least one should be snazzy.

    I was rooting for a paint job with more zip but he just gave me a funny look when I mentioned polka dots. You car people have no sense of whimsy.

  7. Norman S. Weinfeld

    In theory, it sounds like a good idea to me. In practice, it doesn’t seem to quite work. How about (staid…) body-color ones like I have? With shiny chrome knock-off hubs. I think the gunmetal would be a nice variant on the standard-issue silver (or chrome).

  8. Kevin Teabag

    I guess if you like the carnival wagon look. Maybe you can get someone to paint “Draco’s Mobile Palm Reading Service” on the doors.

  9. j.groves

    the red is nice, but I think the grey is ,too! darker,maybe,[the red, that is] but a great idea nonetheless. never mind the pundits, you could see everything !!!…..j

  10. chuck goolsbee

    I can recall many T-series MG’s with red wires. I say ignore the naysayers and go for it.

  11. Kevin Teabag

    You’ll tire of the red wheels look….fast. With respect to Chuck G., I never liked them on T-Series either. Go painted (silver) or chrome. Your MG won’t attract gypsies either.

  12. automobiliac

    Go for the red wheels!!
    Do it!
    But I recommend the darker shade, for sure. Should be a deep, blood red.

  13. Mongosdad

    Your car in that color looks like a baby Aston-Martin with the silver wheels. But with the red wheels, it looks cheaper….more like a VW beetle. That’s my opinion, anyway.

    Can you find Michelin Redlines in that size? Maybe add a little color there?

  14. Mongosdad

    Or, how about red brake calipers and red drums?

    Just no red wheels, please…


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